Live In The Moment #bepresent
If you have read The Fish Philosophy then you already know that Being Present helps to strengthen relationships and improves connections with colleagues and customers (both internal and external). But what does this look like? And how can you be the example that creates a ripple effect with your team?
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” — Buddha

It seems like we are constantly looking forward to what might happen tomorrow or worrying about what took place in the past.. If someone were to make a mistake or if there was a disagreement or misunderstanding at work instead of holding a grudge or making a mountain out of a molehill make a choice to Let it Go and move on. Obviously, once the situation has been rectified with a positive outcome, then you can both Let it Go and get on with work and the relationship in a positive light. Give people the benefit of the doubt, because no one wants to go to work and do a bad job. We all want to feel like we are accomplishing something and making a difference.

Why not choose to live in the moment and enjoy each part of your day and look for the wonder that day has to offer. If you are getting up early to start your day make a conscious effort to stop and appreciate the gorgeous sunrise and make a mental note. This is how we start to store or preserve more positive memories in our brains. We actually have to take time to Stop – Focus – Observe.
Why not create a Be There folder of photos you take that remind you to Stop and Smell the Frangipanis or enjoy the Water Dragons or Black Swans swimming in the river.

Once you start to take time to notice things around you then transition to practising this new skill when you are with people. Stop slow down and be in the moment. Take time to observe people’s body language and start to actually listen to what they are saying. Let your mind stop rushing ahead to the next thing and just Be There for the other person. Ask questions and let them talk and learn new things that you can notice and appreciate.
This could be something you practise at home with your family to start or with your colleagues or even people you come into contact with within your community.
“We love to try to acknowledge everyone we come into contact with while out for our weekend walks. It is a little game my husband and I play. How many people can we make smile?”

As a team member you can ask your colleagues, what are you working on or looking to accomplish today or this week? How can I help you?
As a Leader you can Be There by providing clear direction for your team and also give them the opportunity to grow – give them some space and show your team you trust them but also check in from time to time to see if they need you or require further information or support. Your role as a leader is to Serve Your People, so do so with all of your heart and Be There 100% when you are engaging with your team. They will notice and start to follow your example.
“You need to first be the change you seek in others.”

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Being There for Clients and Customers
When you arrive at work or engage with your clients this is your chance to really connect and be quiet and learn. We start our client relationship with a detailed discovery call. This is when our potential client shares their struggles, desires, accomplishments and future goals. Let them talk, listen, ask questions and repeat what you have heard. “Just so I have a clear understanding, you would like to break down silos and bring your geographically dispersed team closer together? You want them to support each other and work together?”
This allows you and your client to start off on the same page and then work together towards their desired outcomes.
Apply this same approach to face-to-face, phone, or online support with customers.
- Acknowledge them
- Ask questions and actually listen
- Learn what is important to your customer
- Confirm that you have a clear understanding

Serve and support them to the best of your ability or find someone else that can.
It is not rocket science but when we are not being there for our customers we miss very clear opportunities to connect and serve. If you are not serving your customers they will find someone else who will.

In saying all of this, we understand that Being There is not easy. We believe in this day and age of constant distractions this is an essential foundational life practice.
“The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.” — Abraham Maslow
If you are someone that is easily distracted, clear the clutter. Organise your workspace.
A Clear Desk makes for a Clear Mind.
‘Most of the day I enjoy music in the background, however when I write I know I have to turn it off so that I am 100% focused in the moment. Or I change from Talk Radio to calming acoustic music. ‘ – DP

You will find your routine that works best. Being There is not just Being There for people that are in front of you, it also helps us to Be There for people when we are on the phone or in an online meeting. ‘I own a pair of noise-cancelling headphones so when I am in the zone on client calls I am not distracted by the hustle and bustle of our busy office. It really helps me to be 100% there and also others in our open-plan office can see that I am on a call or in a zoom meeting. ‘
You could also create a fun Being There sign or signal for your Guests/Clients/Customers and have this displayed when you are in meetings so that you are not disturbed.
If you are looking to build stronger relationships at work and with your Guests/Clients/Customers or even your family and friends, start with Being There and showing respect. Not only will you see a difference in how people appreciate you but you will feel better about being more in the moment.
Life is too precious to not Be There so do yourself a favour and take the time to enjoy every moment of your life. It’s your choice.
Download The Be There Checklist