Fish Philosophy for Education
The Fish Philosophy for
Schools Universities Childcare Teachers Students
Create a safe, respectful culture and effective learning environment with The Fish Philosophy.
Join the thousands of educators
There are thousands of educators that are using the core Fish Philosophy principles: Be There, Choose Your Attitude, Make Their Day, and Play to create a safe, respectful culture and effective learning environment – choose to start FISH!ing at your school.

Fish Philosophy at School
Our FISH! For Schools, Experience workshops are an excellent engaging PD that will have your team laughing, connecting, and planning for improved culture together.

Book a FREE 30 Min Culture Consult
Our Culture Consult is an opportunity to create an inspiring and unique plan to empower your team to reach new heights!
Following our call, you will have all the tools to lead your team towards a happier and more fulfilling work life. Take a deep breath and embrace this journey towards success.
We are here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that your team evolves with positivity and enthusiasm!
Let’s begin this transformational journey together and unleash your team’s full potential! Remember, with the right mindset and tools, the possibilities are endless!
Positive Learning Culture
FISH! adds joy into learning. FISH! is character-building curricula for learners, young and old, and has improved the culture of classrooms, schools, and communities all over the world.

Morale & Teamwork
The Fish Philosophy helps staff support each other through the challenges of school life. A staff that appreciates each other is more unified, collaborative, and creative.

Engaged Learning
Fish Philosophy consists of a simple set of practices that help schools to create an engaging learning environment designed to support students well being and inspires a love of learning. Schools use this common language to bring their school values to life!

Positive Behaviour
Students who live the Fish Philosophy learn how good it feels to care about others. Misbehavior and bullying decrease. Students build critical social skills for a lifetime.

Welcoming Environment
The FISH! Philosophy creates an atmosphere where students, staff, and visitors feel warm and welcomed. It helps you build strong partnerships with parents and the community.

Leadership & Empathy
The FISH! Philosophy helps you build enthusiasm by celebrating and being there for your staff. It helps you set an example that earns trust and commitment.
4 Simple Practices Students Will Learn
Use these four practices to improve Productivity and Positivity.
Be Present
While working remotely, actively engage with others. Being present helps forge strong bonds during challenging times, ensuring you’re there when needed most.
Choose Your Attitude
Our attitude shapes our experiences. Consciously select a positive outlook to influence those around you, becoming the beacon of hope and positivity we all seek.
Make Their Day
Every interaction is a chance to positively impact someone’s day. Whether remotely or via a call, strive to bring joy and smiles to those you connect with.
Embrace Play
Incorporate fun into daily tasks. Embracing play enhances creativity, reduces stress, and elevates overall well-being, even in serious contexts.

Book a FREE 30 Min Culture Consult
Find out how we can help you boost company morale today!